Don't you hate it when you see that offering plate heading your way?
Yeah, us too.
So, we take an entirely different approach. We trust our members to support our ministry, and we offer several convenient options.
We have collection boxes in prominent locations at every service where you can place checks or monetary offerings.
Additionally, we provide online opportunities for your convenience.
Most banks offer a money transfer service titled Zelle. You can add RealChurch Coweta as a contact and use the email address of Money is immediately transferred to RealChurch, and there are no fees to use that service!
You also can click the button below to be redirected to our Paypal site where you can give even if you don't have a Paypal account.
Paypal accepts all major credit cards, and you also can use the debit card for your bank account. When the Paypal window opens, simply select "Donate with Paypal" or "Donate with a Card."
You can send donations through the mail to our mailing address at RealChurch, 3613 Highway 34E, Sharpsburg GA 30277.